A couple of Jet Star tomatoes and my first Sunburst squash, hand-pollinated. The cover is now off the squash and I am taking my chances with whatever squash bugs are left.
On the heirloom front, my first Brandywine tomato (left) and a second Cherokee Purple.
These are more Jet Star tomatoes. I wonder about these. Some are flat and ribbed like a Beefsteak tomato, and some are upright and rounded. Is this typical variance in the Jet Star variety or do I have another seed error in the plants One of my Roma tomatoes had now grown out of the top of the cage and has round tomatoes, clearly not a Roma.
Now these are my Roma tomatoes. They are nice size with no defects, much better than the Roma II I planted last year which were plagued with BER.
I pulled all my red onions since the tops were dying off. These are a bit of a disappointment. They were grown from sets, an impulse purchase at Agway. I planted a square for bulbs and then inter-planted the rest around the garden. I figured I would pull them for fresh onions. None of them did very well. Talking to another gardener in our community garden, she also had no luck with her red onions. Maybe next year I will try growing them from plants or seeds.
See what other gardener's are harvesting this week over at Daphne's Dandelions!
Any onions are better than no onions! And thanks for the tips on the garlic!