Monday, July 27, 2015

Harvest Monday 27 July 2015




I cleared out the rest of the turnip bed for fall plantings and got a few more of the Royal Crown turnips. Pulled a few more beets and probably have one more picking before they are done.




This is my first big picking of the Musica pole beans, over 2 pounds. I knew I had beans on the vines but I thought they were not quite ready. A closer look and I filled up a bag with beans.




You do have to check the Romanesco squash every day. Another couple of large squash surprised me. I also have not been checking on the Padron peppers and these may be too large. And I am now starting to get some Sunburst patty pan squash. I did find and squish three squash bugs which I flushed out (literally) when I watered the plants. So far I have not found eggs on the leaves.




My first Gold Marie bean and I will not get many more. The vines looked unhealthy from the very beginning and obviously have some disease I have not identified. These are the last peas. The vines were covered with PM so I pulled all of them and got showered with a white cloud of spores. I have to do some preventive spraying now once it stops raining.




More Musica beans and a few Fortex beans. The two larger tomatoes are Jaune Flamme. They need to ripen more but I decided to pick them because we were facing a couple days of rain and I did not want them to crack on me.




The Ambition shallots looked ready so they were pulled and set out to dry. About 20 bulbs, most pretty good size. Too bad I had such a hard time growing the transplants, but I am happy with these. They are much larger than the Saffron shallots I grew last year, just hope they store as well. My few remaining Saffron shallots are still rock hard.


That’s what happened in my garden last week. To see what other gardeners around the world are doing, visit Daphne’s Dandelions, our host for Harvest Monday.


  1. Really nice harvests. The Musica beans look good. I've never tried Italian-style flat beans--are they superior to conventional round varieties? And that patty pan is also great-looking. Does it set so much fruit that it is equivalent in production to zucchini?

    1. I don't necessarily like Romano type beans but Musica has flatter pods and a good beany flavor, as does the Gold Marie. They are both very productive when healthy. I pick the Sunburst fairly small so I don't really get overwhelmed with them. They have a sweet, smooth flesh and can be sliced and eaten raw with a dip, which is what happens to most of them. Good sauteed or stir fried as well.

  2. Great harvest, envious of your beans and shallots, for some reason the onion family does not grow well in my garden, not sure the reason.

  3. Those Musica beans sure look good. It's funny, my Gold Marie is doing better than Musica, though I don't see any obvious disease problems, just puny vines. And the shallots really look lovely. I do hope they keep well for you too.

    1. Both planted same time. The Musica rapidly grew to top of 8 foot trellis before flowering. The Gold Marie just sat there and the leaves look distorted and yellow at the edges. Have not figured out why.

  4. What a great harvest! I'm envious of the beets - I planted mine really late so have a while to go. And those shallots look wonderful, I've never been very good at growing any kind of onion.

  5. Well, it certainly looks like the Romanesco is doing well for you! I have some Padrons hanging from the plants as well - have never grown them before and I would have thought that yours were a nice size & not that large...what size would you say they should be picked at?

    That's too bad about the Gold Marie beans. Mine are still a week or two away from a first harvest & I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get any diseases this year. And it's amazing how long shallots store, isn't it?

    1. I think the Padrons are picked small, maybe 2 inches long. They get hot as they mature, if that's what you like then let them get bigger. Michelle and Mac are the experts.

  6. I really need to try Romanesco next year. Everyone that grows it seems to get a lot of fruit. I hope my shallots store as well as yours did last year. I have trouble storing onions. I have some kind of disease in the soil and I can't keep onions past about January or so. I'd love to find something that would last longer. This year I'm growing Camelot which is a red shallot. I'll save some as a test to see how long they last.

    1. You need to buy the Romanesco seeds from Renee's, an F1 hybrid. The OP ones are not the same. Will be interesting to see how your Camelot shallots store.

  7. Looks like a wonderful harvest. Too bad about Gold Marie being sick and hope it will bounce back - it will grow until frost if you let it. Haven't tried Musica so might do that next year.

    1. The Gold Marie are close to dead and the disease is also affecting the pods, so nothing for me this year. Last year (same seed packet) was terrific.

  8. An excellent harvest of the Musica beans, they look fantastic. They also look quite a bit larger than Fortex, which is a good-sized bean. I grew Sunburst several years ago and it made an incredible number of patty-pans in a two week period, then stopped producing.

    1. Yes, the Musica get long while staying tender. I usually get Sunburst all season, probably my last summer squash before frost.

  9. I'm amazed that your shallots have lasted that long. My shallots were difficult to start also, but what made it into the garden is doing well. I hope they store as well as yours. Musica has been reliable and prolific in my garden for a number of years. I'm taking a break from it this year to try something else, a decision that I may regret.

    1. Yeah, I like to try different things too. No bush beans this year, although I am tempted to try a late sowing.

  10. I am intrigued with your shallots. I have only ever grown Camelot and they were more onion like than a true shallot. I am curious to read how you like the flavor and how they store as well.

    1. Saffron shallot was everything I wanted but they discontinued it. Looking for a replacement seed shallot, I didn't like the looks of Camelot - too big and onion like with poor storage. Will see if Ambition is a good substitute.

  11. Beets envy here, they didn't do well for me in spring, maybe I'll try again later. My Padron peppers are not spicy at all this time, we have more rain this year than previous years maybe that's the reason, otherwise I don't know what causes it to taste like Shishito.

  12. Admiring them all, but its Your turnips and patty pans have peaked my interest. I've grown turnips once and they turned out fab, didn't get round to growing them this year, and Patty Pans, I need to give these flying saucer shaped veg a go someday.


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