The Ambition shallots were sown two weeks ago. I used McEnroe organic potting mix, which has some compost in it, in a plastic tub. I figured the plants would be in the tub for awhile so some extra nutrients would be beneficial. I have about 20 plants germinated from 45 seeds planted, so germination was not terrific. I would have more except for the plants’ tendency to commit suicide. The McEnroe mix formed a crust on top of the pot. Not sure that was the cause but the taproot of some plants elongated and pushed the seedlings out of the soil, where they flopped over and died. Weird, never had that happen before. I have started to pre-germinate some more seed in a wet paper towel in a baggie in hopes of catching up and getting a few more transplants. The top of the plant lights makes a good area to pre-germinate seed since it is slightly warm but not hot enough to kill the seeds.
Last week I sowed the first of the Brassicas, the kale and broccoli. For them I decided to use a standard soilless planting mix, Lambert’s All-Purpose Planting Mix. They spent a few days on the heat mat until germination started and are now off the heat and under the grow lights. Planted on March 22 were:
- Kale Beedy’s Camden
- Kale Nero di Toscana
- Kale Tronchuda Beira
- Broccoli Fiesta
- Broccoli Arcadia
- Broccoli Raab Sorrento
Today I am planting lettuce and peppers. The peppers and Ping Tung eggplant are going into plastic 6-cell flats. I can fit 12 of these flats into a 1040 tray, or 72 plants. I thought about but decided not to try pre-germinating the seeds. I have a heat mat that will accommodate a 1020 tray, and I planted 2 seeds per cell, so with 12 varieties to germinate, this is just much simpler. The one shock was the Stocky Red Roaster pepper, which had just 10 seeds in the packet. Guess I might be collecting seeds from this one if I decide it is a keeper (which is likely given its rave reviews). Planted today were these varieties:
- Eggplant Ping Tung
- Pepper Jimmy Nardello
- Pepper Lemon Drop
- Pepper Padron
- Pepper Stocky Red Roaster
- Pepper Arroz Con Pollo
- Pepper Hungarian Paprika
- Pepper Yummy Belles
- Pepper Aji Dulce
- Pepper Trinidad Spice/Perfume
- Pepper Tiburon Ancho Poblano
The pepper flat was placed on my one and only heat mat. An hour after planting, here they are, warm and steamy on the heat mat.
Next I planted a tray of lettuce and greens/herbs. Lettuce seed needs light to germinate so I made a small depression in each cell and sprinkled a pinch of seeds into it. Then I covered the seed with a little fine vermiculite and watered it in. The lettuce flat has a clear plastic dome to cover it but the heat mat is currently occupied by the peppers. They should be alright at room temperature.
Planted in this tray were the following:
- Lettuce Green Ice
- Lettuce Red Sails
- Lettuce Buttercrumch
- Lettuce Midnight Ruffles
- Lettuce Winter Density
- Lettuce Marshall
- Ice Lettuce
- Mustard Green Wave
- Chinese Cabbage Soloist
- Cilantro Caribe
- Endive Dubuisson
- Escarole Natacha
This was a pretty good start to the season. Next are some Asian greens and then the tomatoes. Hopefully the peppers are prompt because the toms are going to want some space on that heat mat.