Monday, August 12, 2013

Harvest Monday–12 August 2013




The Trionfo Violetto pole bean finally has set some beans. This is the first of significant size but I should be able to start picking this week. The beans are a dusty purple color when mature but they start out green. You can see two immature beans above, the smaller one is green except for the tip and the seam. As it matures, it starts turning purple in patches. The shape is flattened, not round, and I sure hope I like them because it looks like I am going to get a lot.




The picture above has my first Sunburst patty pan at the bottom. At the top, the large tomato is my one and only Pineapple heirloom, with some splits due to the recent rain. The first fruit had a bad patch of BER and rotted so I removed it. The weeks of high 90s heat caused most of the larger tomatoes to drop their flowers. Ditto for the peppers. They are starting to flower again, so all I need is two or three more months of summer weather and some sunshine.




Some chard/silverbeet and another batch of Boro beets.




The mustards started bolting so I am harvesting what I can from them. I need to start some more and replant for the fall. The nice thing about kale and collard is that they are essentially biennials and need a winter before they bolt, so I can continue to harvest through the warm weather right into late fall.


I am cleaning up some of the beds and getting them ready for fall planting. I have lettuce, broccoli and kohlrabi seeds started and need to get more beets, carrots and turnips seeded into the garden. The Red Bull onions have dropped and need to be pulled before it rains again. They went at least two weeks longer than the Copra onions and it looks like there are some good sized ones.


Thanks for stopping by. To see what other gardeners around the world are harvesting from their gardens, visit Daphne’s Dandelions, our host for Harvest Monday.


  1. Very colorful harvest! love the picture of purple bean growing.

  2. That is a nice looking bean! Your beets look perfect too, well so does everything you harvested!

  3. Looking great Dave!! We have been struggling with a lot of heat as well. Our tomatoes seem to be doing ok with it and are still setting fruit, but it sure has been hurting our peppers. I wandered through them yesterday and on 12 plants I only saw about 10 maturing fruit. The dang blossoms just keep falling off in the heat!!

  4. I'm glad to hear that the purple beans are flattened. I tend to prefer those types of beans over the round ones. I've got mine int he ground now, just waiting to see those first leaves. :-)

    1. Make sure you have them on at least a 7 foot trellis. They grow really tall, they are twice the size of the Fortex beans.

  5. Very good looking harvest. I grew some purple podded pole beans this year and I really like them! They grow so long and are so productive! They will be a definite next year! Hope you get lots more tomatoes and peppers!

  6. Very colorful harvests! I had a rough time with my peppers dropping blossoms earlier this summer when we had such hot temps. I don't think I am going to get many peppers this year. I hope you like the Trionfo Violetto beans as much as I do. Mine are just beginning to flower. Hopefully I will get a good harvest before frost.

  7. Looks like you had a fantastic week. I love the Sunburst patty pan. I hope it's delicious :-)

  8. Beautiful harvest! I love your greens - mine haven't done as well (yet) this year.

  9. Two or three more months of summer would be nice. :)

    The purple beans are pretty, sure hope they live up to your expectations. The rest of the harvests look great too.

  10. Your Boro beets are gorgeous...I think I have one single beet that survived the summer. Strange. What is your experience with that variety? I'd love to try a new variety if it is successful!

    1. Boro was an impulse buy. It did better for me than Red Ace last year, but of course the weather is different. The Boro beets were pretty uniform, very sweet, and had nice greens. It is supposed to stay tender up to 6" but I've never had a beet that big so I wouldn't know. Got it from Hugh Mowing but Territorial has it too.


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