Monday, January 14, 2013

Harvest Monday–Lemon Meringue Pie


Hard to believe I would have anything to report in January, but I do. My Meyer Lemon tree, safely indoors in a SE facing window, has ripened the last of its fruit. These lemons are destined to be made into a lemon meringue pie. I have my mother’s recipe, saved by my sister, below. This will be a little taste of summer for the family to enjoy in January.

Lemon Meringue Pie

My mother’s recipe, and one of my favorites, sent to me by my sister, Sharon.




1 ½ c. sugar
3 Tbsp. corn starch
3 Tbsp. flour
1 ½ c. hot water
Pinch of salt
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 Tbsp. butter
½ tsp. lemon zest
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 9 inch baked pie shell
1 recipe meringue (below)

1.    In saucepan, combine sugar with corn starch and flour; then stir in hot water gradually. Bring to boil stirring constantly to make a smooth mixture.
2.    Add salt and continue cooking for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally until thick.
3.    Slowly stir a small amount of the hot mixture into egg yolks, stirring constantly. Return to pan and cook 4 minutes longer. Add butter and lemon zest; stir until melted. Slowly add in lemon juice. Cool the mixture.
4.    Pour into pastry shell. Cover with meringue, and bake in 325º F. oven until delicately browned, about 12-15 minutes.



3 egg whites
6 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. lemon juice


Beat egg whites and lemon juice until stiff. Add sugar gradually (1 Tbsp. at a time), beating constantly until soft peaks form. Pile lightly on pie filling, sealing meringue to edges of pie crust.



  1. mmm, yummy! What a treat in January!

  2. How awesome is that?! I keep saying I might get a meyer lemon but then never do. I worry I don't have a good enough (sunny enough) indoor location for it during winter. I guess I can try and all I would be out is the one tree.

    1. It's my first winter with it so we will see. Looks OK so far. I can always rig up some kind of grow light if I need to. Biggest problem I have had in the past is spider mites from the dry winter air in the house.

  3. I said the same thing in my harvest report this week...hard to believe that the production goes on this time of year. Great looking lemons. We grow Ponderosa lemons but so far only get 1-2 a year because the plant is only about 2ft tall.

  4. Meyer lemon trees continually amaze me. I'm always surprised at how well they do for cold climate gardeners who have to grow them in pots and move them indoors for the winter. Around here they grow like weeds. My small tree produces ripe lemons year round and certainly more than I can keep up with. And so far it seems to be enduring the night time dips into the mid to high 20°F's that we've been getting the last few nights. I'm sure some of the newest growth and more exposed fruit will get zinged but the tree should come through OK. Have you tried making a lemon meringue pie with Meyers before? It may taste more sweet made with them. I usually use less sugar when I use Meyers instead of "regular" lemons.


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