Monday, June 18, 2012

Harvest Monday-18 June 2012

The escarole is heading up nicely. This one was harvested to give the others some space and was sautéed in butter and garlic for Monday night’s dinner. Time to tie up the rest to blanch the hearts.


The rest of the harvest continues to be greens, although next week I should have my first snow peas and maybe turnips. This a sampling of the lettuce I have been cutting for several weeks now: Romaine, Red Sails, Red Romaine, and Buttercrunch.


The mustard Green Wave continues to look good and is growing well. I hope it lasts another week or two without bolting. They are talking about temps in the mid 90s on Wednesday and Thursday.


The chard is also doing well, fist year I have had some success with a plant everyone else can grow easily. This is Orange Fantasia and Bright Lights. I am following advice to keep it trimmed and that does seem to be stimulating more rapid growth.


Finally, I had to remove some pac choi because they were going to bolt and were shading my cucumbers.These are Joi Choi.  I got four but gave one to a neighbor. The three below weighed 3 pounds, 6 ounces, but still are no competition for Daphne.


I also lost 4 heads of broccoli which were obscured under row cover and I failed to notice the heads were ready. I’ll try to use them anyway. To see what others all over the world are harvesting from their gardens, head on over to Daphne’s Dandelions


  1. Great harvest! Our greens are really starting to bolt too. But that's alright, they will be back in the fall. Now we can move on to the summer crops. Tomatoes will be ready soon!!

  2. Your greens are looking very good and the chard definitely is responding well to your care this year. I think your choy looks quite good - I regret that I only grew some baby pac choi this year and not much of it at that. Missed having a few of those full size beauties for stir fries this spring.

  3. I've never tried it worth trying? I'm always looking for new things to try in the garden :-) Congratulations on your bountiful harvests! Everything looks wonderful!

    1. If you like escarole, it is. They have been easy to grow and developed quickly. I plan to replant for the fall.

  4. Your greens are really looking good, don't you just love chard?


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