Monday, August 22, 2011

Harvest Monday–22 August 2011

Tomatoes and beans are the story this week. I have been harvesting the tomatoes when they start to show color (or in the case of the Romas, when they drop). The tomatoes rapidly ripen on the kitchen counter anyway and I am hoping the plants will be able to devote their energy to develop the young fruits on the top of the plants before cold weather arrives.

A few heirloom tomatoes below. Upper left is a Cherokee Purple, upper right is a Brandywine. The tomatoes at the bottom are my mystery tomato that came in a 6-pack of Roma tomato plants.

Heirloom tomatoes

Jade beans, a cucumber and Broccoli shoots.

Beans, cuke and broccoli

More Jet Star and Roma tomatoes. The Romas are definitely starting to slump, but the tomatoes are not coloring at the same time, so sauce making may be extended.

Jet Star and Roma tomatoes

Again, more tomatoes and beans, plus another cucumber and a couple of Sunburst patty pan squash. I really like the patty pans. They got a later start than the Zucchini and put out just male flowers for two weeks, but are now setting fruit. The texture is creamy smooth and the flavor sweet and nutty, excellent for eating raw.

Veggie assortment

On Saturday, I removed the floating row cover from the collard/kale bed and cut a large amount of collard leaves. I am going to try freezing the collards after washing and chopping them.


Another large picking of tomatoes, some beans, and another patty pan. You can also see a Poblano pepper in the front. The beans, Poblano, and a tomato went into another batch of stewed green beans, some of which was frozen.

Tomatoes, poblano pepper, and beans

You too can join in the Harvest Monday at Daphne's Dandelions!


  1. Nice harvest - those greens look fantastic!

  2. Nice week's harvest!! I wish my tomatoes would kick into gear!

  3. Nice variety of tomatoes! I'd love to grow pattypans - the color is so pretty. Is that a bush or vining variety? I'm very wary of vining squash now because some went crazy in my plot this year!

  4. Great variety. I pick my summer tomatoes early and often, too.

  5. Very nice harvest! Lots of variety! The pattypans are cute! I'm too impatient to let my tomatoes ripen on the vine too! I never did get around to planting spicy peppers this year, just sweet. I still have 2 gallon bags full of serrano and habanero from last year in the freezer! ;) We're working on em!

  6. Oh and if you haven't got seeds for black cherry I will be happy to share.

  7. You are pulling in a nice supply of tomatoes and those pattypan squash are a darker yellow than the varieties I have grown in the past - very attractive!

  8. Thanks everyone. The patty pan squash variety is Sunburst. It is bush form and a pretty healthy plant. The color is that bright yellow right from the time the fruit sets.

    Shawn Ann - sure I could use a couple of seeds for next. I will only have room for 1-2 plants. Thanks!

  9. I cannot say that I remember seeing those Sunburst patty pan squashes before. They look so... picture perfect.


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